Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pink Wedding Dress Color

pink wedding dress

The most popular color is the pink wedding dress. Pink has numerous connotations of love, romance, and femininity that many women would like to express on their wedding day. In addition, going down the aisle in a pink dress is one way for brides to live out their own princess, fairy tale wedding. Obtaining a pink wedding dress is not too difficult. The explosion of internet commerce has opened up the "long tail" of wedding dresses. For those interested in a pink wedding dress, many online (and even brick and mortar stores) carry dresses designed with that color in mind. One thing to keep in mind is that there is no one standard pink. Just like there are many different kinds of whites, there are many different kinds of pinks, some more vibrant and striking then others. Those who would like to remain subtle can pick lighter, pastel pinks; those looking to make a statement can go with bubblegum or even hot pink! In the end, the choice is up to the bride, as this day is not only an expression of the future of her relationship with her husband but also a chance to express her individuality.