Beyond the Front Door So, what do you do if a wedding crasher makes it into your wedding celebration? First of all, don’t panic. Many people who attend wedding parties uninvited do so for harmless reasons. Most are just interested in obtaining a free meal. It might be the case that a wedding crasher arrived with someone who was actually invited. If it is the wedding ceremony that the wedding crasher is attempting to attend, give them an obscure seat, such as in the back. If it is the reception that the wedding crasher has snuck into, it is often the case that caters provide additional food for such occasions. Of course, not everyone has good intentions. An ex-lover, for example, may have intentions of creating a scene to disrupt your celebration. In this case you will just have to get rid of the wedding crasher quickly and with the least amount of attention. If your ceremony features a live band, have them crank up the volume to drown out yelling or other disrupting noises that may occur as you send the wedding crasher to the nearest exit.
Security Measures It is rare that a wedding crasher will pose any danger to you or your guests. However, it is wiser to be prepared for such an occurrence. Having a uniformed security officer in the area is often enough to ward off a wedding crasher with ill intent. Installing a security camera and having someone watch for a wedding crasher is another measure you may want to consider. To keep a wedding crasher from being tempted to steal your gifts, it is a good idea to allow your guests to place the gifts in one specific area.
by Melissa Burton