Not including graduation, the senior prom may be the single most memorable event in a teenager high school career. For young women, this is doubly true. She’s spent all year, if not longer planning for this one big day.
Choosing the perfect prom dress takes careful thought, time and patience. Many high school girls are bypassing department stores, saying no to bridal shops, and instead opt to design their own prom dress! Designing your own prom dress to have it custom made is an exciting experience, but there are a few things that you need to be sure to do during the design process.
What exactly do I want?: The decision to design your own prom dress is usually made because you want to stand out from the crowd and your custom made dress is a unique reflection of your style. If you aren’t a fashion designer by trade, coming up with an idea is often times the hardest part. Grab some a stack of magazines and check out what Hollywood stars are wearing on the red carpet. Cut the images out and create a scrapbook of design ideas.