In a religious wedding ceremony is the most formal type of wedding, your wedding readings need to reflect something meaningful about the two of you, your relationship and your faith. Your readings should also say something about the importance of marriage and commitment you are both making. There are for many religious weddings, the various elements of the wedding service, including the readings will have their inspiration in the Bible. However, many religious venues and their officiants are becoming more open to couple’s choosing wedding readings from other sources, so long as they seek their approval in advance of the wedding day.
If there is what the source of your reading it should still reflect on the sanctity of marriage and set a tone which is solemn in nature and appropriate to the occasion is no problem. Your wedding officiant will be willing to help you with your choices and may have a list of tried and tested readings which you can consider. You may already have a reading in mind, perhaps a favorite Bible passage, poem or piece of prose, or you may like to use the same readings as were read at your parents’ wedding. Whatever you choose though you should always take plenty of time to read through the piece(s) carefully to make sure it is appropriate to your wedding. When you have come up with a shortlist of suitable readings then practice reading them out loud to discern the flow of the words and to judge the tone of the piece. Your choice of readings shouldn’t be too long, around 1-2 minutes in length or 200-400 words.
Here are some titles of readings suitable for a religious wedding ceremony:If there is what the source of your reading it should still reflect on the sanctity of marriage and set a tone which is solemn in nature and appropriate to the occasion is no problem. Your wedding officiant will be willing to help you with your choices and may have a list of tried and tested readings which you can consider. You may already have a reading in mind, perhaps a favorite Bible passage, poem or piece of prose, or you may like to use the same readings as were read at your parents’ wedding. Whatever you choose though you should always take plenty of time to read through the piece(s) carefully to make sure it is appropriate to your wedding. When you have come up with a shortlist of suitable readings then practice reading them out loud to discern the flow of the words and to judge the tone of the piece. Your choice of readings shouldn’t be too long, around 1-2 minutes in length or 200-400 words.
* God creates woman for man (Genesis 2: 18-24)
* For everything a season (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8)
* Two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12)
* A good wife (Proverbs 31: 10-31)
* Promise of hope (Jeremiah 33: 10-11)
* I will make you my wife (Hosea 2: 19)
* Clothed in salvation (Isaiah 61: 10-11)
* Let us sing to the Lord (Psalm 95: 1-7)
* His steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 136: 1-9)
* God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46)
* May God be gracious (Psalm 67)
* I lift up my eyes to the hills (Psalm 121)
* The constancy of Ruth (Ruth 1: 16-17)
* Love is as strong as death (The Song of Solomon 8: 6-7)
* Love (I Corinthians 13: 4-13)
* Put on love which binds everything together in harmony (Colossians 3: 12-14)
* Wives submit to your husbands, husbands love your wives (Ephesians 5: 22-33)
* I am the vine and you are the branches (John 15: 1-8)
* The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: 1-10)
* Love one another as I have loved you (John 15: 9-17)
* Let love be genuine (Romans 12: 9-12). more.