Buy it in sets. You'll often be able to find a wedding set with an engagement ring and wedding band for a woman. However, often times now, you'll find an additional ring for the husband. This will really take all of the guesswork out of it. At the same time you can choose pieces that aren't an exact match. You'll really want to keep this in mind if you're having a custom designed piece because you probably won't find anything that will really fit in with it.
Shop around. If you're trying to save money then you're going to have to think outside the box. You might even have to use an heirloom piece that you get from a relative if you're really on a tight budget. This can also have special meaning to it. Just make sure that it is the same color of gold that your wedding set is so that it looks like a very cohesive set.

One of the key elements to this is a willingness to compromise. You're going to have to work together as a team to create a style that you'll both love for hopefully the rest of your life. Of course you also really have to work within a budget which can be another constraint. You will really need to keep a cool head. You'll probably want to talk about it and shop around a little bit before you head to the jewelry store. Oftentimes wedding bands are one of the last things on the wedding to do list but this can also create a lot of conflict. This is especially the case if your partner doesn't really know how what you have in mind or how much you have to spend.
From: Sara Gilmore