Elegant Wedding Reception Decorations

* *If there are potted plants or trees in the room, decorate them with strings of white lights. These plants can be purchased pretty cheaply at your local home improvement center or nursery. After using them for your wedding reception decorations, you can use them at your home.
* *Tablecloths and napkins can add a lot to the reception decorations. For napkin rings glue a silk flower to a ribbon and tie onto napkin. The rings may also be made of wire and beads. Make a hook at one end of wire. Wrap around a napkin to get the correct size. Put beads on and make a hook at the remaining end. Hook together.
*Topiaries are wonderful for wedding reception decorations, side tables or sitting on the floor.
You will need:
* a pot for the size topiary you need
* correct size Styrofoam ball
* floral foam
* small tree limb or dowel
* silk flowers
* moss
* glue gun and glue sticks
* ribbon
Cut floral foam to fit snugly into pot and secure with hot glue. Place limb or dowel into floral foam and make sure it’s secure with glue. Place the Styrofoam ball onto limb or dowel with hot glue. Cut flowers to about 2 or 3 inches long. Insert the flowers and greenery into the Styrofoam making sure they all stick out evenly. Tie bows with the ribbon and pin onto ball in between flowers. Use anything you would like to include in the topiary. If you have used a dowel wrap it with ribbon. If a limb was used you can just leave it as is.
* A flower ball may be made with a Styrofoam ball, silk flowers and ribbon. Insert flowers into ball until completely covered. Glue a ribbon bow to the center. Cut ribbon to the desired length for a hanger and attach to the Styrofoam with one or two pins. Glue it as well to make sure it’s secure.
* Tie big tulle bows around the backs of chairs. Flower can be attached to bows with wire or glue.
* Make a candle wedding reception decoration with:
clear Christmas balls
clear curtain rings
desired platter or plate
Epsom salt
candles to fit into ornament openings
Remove hangers from ornaments. Arrange the curtain rings on the platter. Pour Epsom salt into each ornament, filling halfway to the top. Place the ornaments on top of the curtain rings. Place candles into the openings of the ornaments, pressing into the Epsom salt to secure. Arrange greenery or whatever you like around the candles. You may use colored sand if you like.
* Candles can be made from sheets of beeswax purchased at the craft store. Use a cookie cuter in the shape of a wedding bell and cut six or more if you want them thicker. Heat wax slightly with a hair dryer to stick one half together. Place a wick inside and stick the other half on.
* If the wedding is near a particular holiday, such as Christmas , use wedding reception decorations appropriate for that season. That makes it real easy. Big bowls of Christmas ornaments are elegant.
* Goldfish bowls with a real goldfish in it are a good wedding reception decoration idea. A few flowers or candles around it would be pretty. Put aquarium rocks in the bowl in your color.
* Instead of putting the favors at each place, you could put them in one big container in the center of the table. That would eliminate using flowers. If they are tied with ribbons just don’t crush the bows or any other decoration that is on them.
Wedding reception decorations only call for your imagination.