Wedding Cake

In our live we may wed/make our marriage with our beloved one, when the wedding is hold there is many things that must be prepared, the thing is like wedding dress, wedding invitation, wedding reception , wedding decoration and the wedding is not complete without a wedding cakes.
Wedding Cake is very important thing that must be available in the wedding reception, which Wedding Cake need for the guess because they will feel hungry and thirsty and also something not complete if the wedding cakes is not available.
There are two type of wedding cake:
1. Wedding Cake specially for the bridge and Broom.
2. Wedding Cakes for the guess and also the family of the married couple. And this include some food to eat and the drinkings.
Wedding Cake include the drinking and it can be sweet drinking, juices, ice cream, syrup, and other soft-drinking or it may be white clear water. but I recommend that the drinking is not cocktail that is not healthy and can draw something not wished.
Wedding Cake may be simple Wedding Cake to make our money economic and not to expensive, but it can be the elegant or the expensive Wedding Cake for who is rich and have much enough money, and with this elegant Wedding Cake we also got the pleasant because usually it is special and have excellent shape.
There are some pictures of Wedding Cake I have and want to share, you can copy it or use it such as an inspiration if you want to buy a Wedding Cake, I hope it will be useful.