is a pajama bottom like shalwar, loose trousers and a width in the thighs and waist, and tapers towards the bottom, where it is stitched narrow at the edge of the most bawah.Ada different style takes between shalwars the women ', from the more traditional with contemporary.

This side, the so-called 'Chaak' open to approximately the level of the waist line, to a larger movement for the wearer. A traditional kameez is cut flat and straight, with side pieces are traditional, but more contemporary sport kameez set in the arm, which was inspired by European tastes.

When you choose a color, make sure that the skin of your praise, lighting and scene. colored wedding dresses beautiful and fun. If you're not sure, go and try some on ... You might be surprised.
If you have a destination wedding, it seems natural color. Try one of the main objectives designer wedding dresses. They all offer their line of colored wedding dresses. You can find full-color dress or something much more simple.